The whole reason I made said pies, was to thank a good friend, Lisa, for coming over and looking after the 2 furry monsters we have residing in our abode (AKA Snickers and The Scout). I wanted to bake something, but did not have the supplies on hand to make a whole cake, plus it was hella hot here last night! Lisa, I hope you like the pies, and thanks so much for watching the gang while we go to Cincy to enjoy some baseball.
On a whole other note, Lisa and her husband Gabriel just adopted a little fuzzy one of their own, by the name of Lacy. She is floppy, totally uncoordinated, she loves to hang with Snickers and Scout (a feat unto itself) and is about the biggest damn love you have ever met.
She is a pit bull rescue from one of the many pitty rescues in Ohio. While pittys may not be your cup of tea, there are so many animals are in need of good homes. If you can, seek out your local shelter when you are in the market for a new love of your life!
Until next time...
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